Pfizer’s Digital Hub Invited Presentation
Online Event
Wednesday December 2, 2020
02:30 pm
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 999 1151 6198
Passcode: 625365
Τhe Web, Data and Knowledge Engineering sector, School of Informatics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, will host the Pfizer company, and more specifically, the Pfizer Greek Digital Hub, based in Thessaloniki, on Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020 at 2:30pm. In this online event, Pfizer is going to present the activities of the local digital hub, its vision, and the strategy for the development of new technologies that improve patients' quality of life.
The speakers are:
• Nico Gariboldi, Digital Hub Lead
• Dimitris Papakonstantinou, Digital Hub Finance Lead
• Angeliki Iliopoulou, Human Resources Lead
• George Koutitas, Director Architecture, EU Digital Engagement and Machine Learning
*The rector of AUTH, Prof. Nikos Papaioannou, has been invited to give a brief introductory keynote.
The presentation will last for 30 minutes followed by 30 minutes (or more if needed) of discussion.