Artificial Intelligence, as a specific domain in computer science, exists officially and with that name since the 50s. Today, it is a very well-defined field of science and technology that overlaps with many other domains besides those in computer science: philosophy, ethics, economics, statistics, linguistics, neuro-physiology, sociology, just to name a few.
It covers a multitude of topics: knowledge representation and reasoning, computational logic, natural language understanding/generation/processing, systems autonomy, artificial characters for education/entertainment, machine learning, computer vision, agents and multiagent systems, robotics and data analysis.
Therefore, today Artificial Intelligence is a well-recognized and internationally established scientific domain of computer science, while it is a well-defined subject of study in all Universities and Research Centres around the world.
Why now
Especially in today's era, appropriate conditions and special opportunities support and foster the development of Artificial Intelligence, which is a driving force for the digital and so called, knowledge economy. It is worth mentioning that as the capacities and potential of Artificial Intelligence methods increase day by day, there is a special emphasis on the risks and the ethical issues that these methods introduce.
The biggest opportunity for Artificial Intelligence today is the accessibility of low-cost computing power, as well as the availability of large amount of data that can be harnessed to support people in managing complexity, providing better services and thus, improve many areas of modern life.
The biggest challenges include (a) the existence of data that can be exploited, but it is not known "how" this can be done effectively, (b) the existence of important problems that require specialized knowledge that should be somehow acquired to support automation in problem solving, (c) the existence of problems with an inherent complexity, requiring methods that can cope with high-dimensionality, extremely large search spaces, and/or the participation of multiple "players" with particular interests and priorities and often with demands for optimal solutions, and finally (d) addressing ethical concerns on the use of artificial intelligence systems in real-world problems.
There are many expectations for Artificial Intelligence that are potentially achievable, but for sure Artificial Intelligence has developed mature methods that seem to respond successfully to solving real problems, without overlooking the fact that these technological developments can create problems if the technology is developed and deployed in an un-ethical manner.
We have to point out emphatically that the demand for human resources with knowledge, competences and skills regarding Artificial Intelligence techniques and methods, is growing globally.
The MSc on Artificial Intelligence objective
The programme aims to offer a comprehensive curriculum and a reach educational/learning experience through different academic activities, so as to educate students with the knowledge needed to deeply understand, successfully apply, analyse and provide support for solving real-life problems that demand artificial intelligence solutions, evaluate and create artificial intelligence methods, in a as broad as possible spectrum of topics and domains.
Professor George A. Vouros, Director of the MSc in Artificial Intelligence
Given the opportunities and challenges that emerge in our era, the technological developments in the context of Artificial Intelligence, as well as the international needs to fill the gap of knowledge and skills in industry, as far as Artificial Intelligence is concerned, this Inter-Institutional Master's Program aims to impart the necessary knowledge, skills and competences to its students, so that they can:
• Leverage existing techniques and develop new/innovative Artificial Intelligence techniques and methods.
• Recognize the particularities of real-world problems they have to address, analyse and compare potential solutions and provide successful Artificial Intelligence solutions.
• Understand and recognize the limitations of Artificial Intelligence techniques and methods in relation to the problems to be solved.
• Develop a creative attitude for Artificial Intelligence techniques and methods.
These should happen within a framework of rules of ethics for the use of technology, promoting science and technology for the benefit of humanity.
You can find more specific information on the learning outcomes, including competences and skills, targeted by the MSc curriculum in this page.
See the Quality Policy of the inter-institutional graduate studies program "ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE"
The Inter-institutional Postgraduate Program in "Artificial Intelligence", since its establishment and through its quality policy—aligned with the quality policy of the University of Piraeus, the Department of Digital Systems, and the quality practices of the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of NCSR "Demokritos"—expresses its commitment to quality and to the processes that ensure it as key means for achieving a high level of academic and research excellence for the benefit of its entire academic community.
The academic community of the IPPAI (faculty, students, alumni, and collaborating institutions) works and collaborates in accordance with the values and objectives of the participating institutions implementing the program (the Department of Digital Systems at the University of Piraeus and the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of NCSR "Demokritos"). They embrace the Vision, Mission, and Strategy of these institutions, adopt common policies, recognize best practices, and actively engage in continuous improvement processes.
See the Personnel Support and Development Policy of the master in Artificial Intelligence
The Interdisplinary MSc in AI, through its Staff Support and Development Policy, has set the following objectives, among others:
• Aims at the continuous and substantial empowerment of its academic community members
• Seeks to connect teaching with research and production
• Encourages and supports the continuous improvement of the quality of research conducted by its teaching and research staff
The Institute of Informatics & Telecommunications of the National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos" conducts research and develops technologies in the fields of Telecommunications, Networks, Intelligent Information Systems and the Internet. It aims to promote excellence and innovation, in its areas of interest, for the benefit of society and the development of the knowledge economy. The Institute emphasizes both long-term basic research and applied research by implementing targeted research and technology projects. At the same time, it plays an active role in the training of new research potential by providing scholarships at postgraduate and post-doctoral level, as well as their employment in research projects. Finally, special emphasis is placed on the utilization of research results as well as on their general diffusion in the economy, society and citizens.
The Department of Digital Systems of the University of Piraeus was founded in 1999 and covers, both at the teaching and research level, important branches of the Digital Economy and the Knowledge Society, including Artificial Intelligence.
The aim of the undergraduate studies program is to produce specialized scientists capable of contributing to the development, implementation and management of modern digital technology systems.
On this basis, the following study directions operate in the Undergraduate Study Program of the Department:
Establishment of the Inter-institutional Postgraduate Program (IPPAI) of the Department of Digital Systems at the School of Information and Communication Technologies of the University of Piraeus and the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of the National Center for Scientific Research "Demokritos," titled "Artificial Intelligence."
See the Government Gazette (ΦΕΚ).